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Program Transfer Search

Nutrition and Food Service Management Diploma to Bachelor of Science (Foods and Nutrition), Honors Specialization in Nutrition and Dietetics

Where Are You Now?

Centennial College

Discipline: Social and behavioural sciences

Credential: College Diploma (2 year)

Program Title: Food and Nutrition Management

Where Do You Want to Go?

Western University

Degree Qualifications: BSc - Bachelor of Science

Discipline: Social and behavioural sciences

Credential: Degree (4 year)

Program Title: Foods and Nutrition/Food and Nutrition Management/Nutrition and Dietetics

Transfer credits / courses


Semesters Remaining 6

Granted 7.00
Total 20.00

Course Equivalencies Granted

Articulation Agreement between The University of Western Ontario and Brescia University College’s
Bachelor of Science (Foods and Nutrition), Honors Specialization in Nutrition and Dietetics,
Centennial College (Food and Nutrition Management diploma),
May 1, 2015

Western - Brescia Course Code/   Western - Brescia Credit Weight  = Centennial Course Code/ Centennial Course Title / Centennial Credit Weight

Foods and Nutrition 1030E / 1.0  = FNMT109 / Nutrition 1 / 3.0 + FNMT110 / Nutrition 2 / 3.0 +  FNMT112 / Food Properties Analysis / 3.0

Business 1020 TRN / 1.0  =  FNMT208 / Food Service Accounting / 3.0 + FNMT221 / Financial Management / 2.0 + FNMT202 / Organizational Behaviour for Food Services / 3.0 + FNMT210 / Marketing and Merchandising for Food Services Operations / 3.0 + FNMT203 / Human Resources Management in Food Services / 3.0

Human Ecology 2266F/G / 0.5 = FNMT201 / Communications and Interprofessional Approaches in Health Care and Food Services / 3.0 + FNMT220 / Nutrition Assessment and Counselling Techniques / 3.0

Communication 1020 TRN / 1.0  =  COMM160/161 / College Communications 1 / 3.0 + COMM170/171 / College Communications 2 / 3.0

Foods and Nutrition 2100 TRN / 1.0  =  FNMT100 / Principles of Sanitation, Safety and Hygiene / 3.0 + FNMT207 / Facilities Planning & Design / 3.0 + FNMT105 / Kitchen Production / 3.0

Foods and Nutrition 3300 TRN / 0.5  =  FNMT216 / Health Care Menu Planning / 2.0 + FNMT213 / Recipe Development and Costing / 2.0

Foods and Nutrition 3300 TRN / 1.0  =  FNMT206 / Medical Nutrition Therapy / 3.0 + FNMT219 / Professional Practice Seminar / 2.0

Foods and Nutrition 2100 TRN / 1.0  =  FNMT108 / Introduction to Food Services / 3.0 + FNMT115 / Purchasing for the Food Services Industry / 3.0 +  FNMT223 / Food Services Systems Management / 3.0 + FNMT211 / Supervision Practices / 3.0

Total:  7.0 credits


1.  Western University and Brescia University College agrees to consider for admission to the Bachelor of Science (Foods and Nutrition), Honors Specialization in Nutrition and Dietetics program graduates of the Nutrition and Food Services Management diploma program from Centennial College who meet the following requirements:

a.  Successful completion of the Nutrition and Food Services Management diploma with a competitive overall admission average for the year in which they apply as calculated by Brescia;


b. Achieved a minimum average of “B+” or 3.5 GPA calculated by Western and Brescia on all courses completed within the diploma program,  with no grade less than “C” or 2.0 GPA in each college course as outlined in Appendix 1;


c. Successful completion of Ontario Secondary School Biology (SBI4U) and Chemistry (SCH4U); or equivalents.


2. To be considered for admission, Centennial students must apply to Western or Brescia by May 31st of the year in which they are seeking admission.


3.  Admissions decisions are within the sole discretion of Western and Brescia and are not appealable. Applicants who meet the requirements set out above are not guaranteed admission under this Agreement. The decision as to the number of students who will be accepted in any academic year may vary from year to year. Final determination of the validity of all admissions under this agreement rests with the Registrar at Western in accordance with the provisions of the affiliation agreement between Western and Brescia.

Minimum Course Grade Required (if applicable)


Minimum Grade for Admission≥ 80%

Pathway Requires Previous Program Graduation Yes


Bridging Requirements have not been defined for this pathway.

Program Residency Requirement

Course Requirements for Degree Completion - Brescia Bachelor of Science (Foods and Nutrition) Honors Degree Program

Honors Specialization in Nutrition and Dietetics

To graduate from the BSc (F&N) Honors degree program at Western or Brescia, students admitted under this articulation agreement must successfully complete the 13.0 courses listed below. Brescia will provide Centennial with written notice of any changes to these course requirements. A final average of 70%, with no grade less than 60% must be achieved to graduate from the BSc (F&N) degree program.

Course Credit Weight  /  Course Number  / Course Name

Year 2 Requirements (Fall/Winter Term)
0.5 Chemistry 1301A/B Discovering Chemical Structure
0.5 Chemistry 1302A/B Discovering Chemical Energetics
0.5 Biology 1290B Biology and Microorganisms
0.5 Human Ecology 2222F/G Professional Perspectives
1.0 Foods & Nutrition 2232 Principles of Food Science
0.5 Human Ecology 3349A Principles of Management
0.5 Sociology 2205A/B Statistics for Sociology
0.5 Elective Breadth Requirement: Category “B” Arts & Humanities course
0.5  Elective

Year 2 Requirements (Summer Term)
0.5 Chemistry 2003B Organic and Biological Chemistry for Food Science Or Chemistry 2213A/B Organic Chemistry for Life Sciences Or Elective

Year 3 Requirements (Fall/Winter Term)
0.5 Foods & Nutrition 2241A/B Nutrition Throughout the Human Life Cycle
1.0 Physiology 2130 Human Physiology
0.5 Biochemistry 2288A Biochemistry and Molecular Biology for Foods and Nutrition
0.5  Foods and Nutrition 3342A/B Advanced Food Science
0.5 Foods and Nutrition 3344A/B Diet and Nutritional Assessment
0.5 Foods and Nutrition 3348A/B Food Production Management I
0.5 Foods and Nutrition 3351A/B Clinical Nutrition I
0.5 Foods and Nutrition 3361A/B Fundamentals of Community Nutrition
0.5 Chemistry 2003B Organic and Biological Chemistry for Food Science Or Chemistry 2213A/B Organic Chemistry for Life Sciences Or Elective

Year 4 Requirements (Fall Term)
0.5 Foods and Nutrition 4453A Clinical Nutrition II
0.5 Human Ecology 4411F Research Methods
0.5 Elective
1.0 Elective Numbered 2000 or above

For more information on academic and credit transfer policies, including residency requirements, visit the institutional profile.

Language of Instruction


Cancellation Policy

a) This Agreement is effective May 1, 2015 and shall continue in force unless terminated by a  party as set out herein.


b) Any party may terminate this Agreement upon three months' written notice of termination to the other parties. No applicants will be considered for admission after the date of such notice. 


c) Notwithstanding paragragh b), if Western or Brescia decides to terminate this Agreement due to changes to Centennial's curriculum or course content, this Agreement shall terminate on a date that is earlier of three months after written notice of termination is given to Centennial, and the date that the changes were made by Centennial.  


d) Students accepted for admission under this Agreement prior to issuance of a notice of termination shall be permitted to complete their studies under the terms of this Agreement.


No additional pathway documentation available.

Contact / Apply

Brescia University College
1285 Western Road
London, Ontario N6G 1H2
Phone: 519 432-8353

Last Updated: May 18, 2021