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Theatre and Drama Studies

Où êtes-vous actuellement?

Sheridan College

Discipline : Arts

Titre de compétences : Diplôme d'études collègiales (2 ans)

Intitulé du programme : Performance Theatre

Où souhaitez-vous aller?

University of Toronto

Qualifications correspondant à un grade B.A. - Baccalauréat ès arts

Discipline : Arts

Titre de compétences : Diplôme (4 ans)

Intitulé du programme : Theatre and Drama Studies

Transfert de crédits / cours

Parcours d’admission
Total 120.00

Semestres restants N/A

Équivalences de cours accordées

All registration is completed through UTM, therefore, no transfer of credits is necesssary.


Theatre and Drama Studies is a program offered at the University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM) in co-operation with Sheridan College. The theatre performance portion of the program is taught at Sheridan College, and is a special program open only to students who are enrolled in Theatre and Drama studies at UTM.
To be admitted to this program, students must meet the regular admission requirements for the University of Toronto and must perform an audition. Application for admission to this program is made through the Ontario Universities' Application Centre.

Note minimale requise pour le cours (le cas échéant)


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[f] 1
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[more_recv_min_grade_in_req_course] "N/A"
[more_recv_equivalencies_list] "<p>
	All registration is completed through UTM, therefore, no transfer of credits is necesssary.</p>"
[more_marketing_material_content_b64] ""
[field_more_cancellation_policy] "<p>
	In the event both parties agree a review is unnecessary, the agreement shall be automatically renewed for a further five (5) year period.</p>"
[field_more_last_updated] "2020-06-15 00:00:00"
[field_more_needs_prev_prog_graduation] "Non"
[field_more_contact_procedure] "<p>
	Further information regarding this program may be obtained by contacting or Student Recruitment &amp; Admissions at 905-828-5400.&nbsp;</p>"
[field_more_agreement_title] "Theatre and Drama Studies"
[field_more_bridging_req] ""
[field_more_recv_admission_req] "<p>
	Theatre and Drama Studies is a program offered at the University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM) in co-operation with Sheridan College. The theatre performance portion of the program is taught at Sheridan College, and is a special program open only to students who are enrolled in Theatre and Drama studies at UTM.<br />
	To be admitted to this program, students must meet the regular admission requirements for the University of Toronto and must perform an audition. Application for admission to this program is made through the Ontario Universities&#39; Application Centre.</p>"
[field_more_recv_residency_req] ""
[field_more_recv_equivalencies_list] "<p>
	All registration is completed through UTM, therefore, no transfer of credits is necesssary.</p>"
[field_more_recv_time_to_complete] ""
[field_more_recv_lang_of_delivery] "EN"
[field_more_recv_min_grade_in_req_course] "N/A"
[field_more_recv_req_gpa] "N/A"
[field_more_recv_program_title] "Theatre and Drama Studies"
[field_send_degree_title] ""
[field_send_credential_title] "Diplôme d'études collègiales (2 ans)"
[field_send_discipline_title] "Arts"
[field_send_prog_title] "Performance Theatre"
[field_send_inst_name] "Sheridan College"
[field_send_inst_code] "SHER"