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Recherche de transfert de programme

Seneca-UTSC Liberal Arts Agreement

Où êtes-vous actuellement?

Seneca College

Discipline : Sciences humaines

Titre de compétences : Diplôme d'études collègiales (2 ans)

Intitulé du programme : Liberal Arts

Où souhaitez-vous aller?

University of Toronto

Qualifications correspondant à un grade B.A.(Spéc.) - Baccalauréat ès arts spécialisé

Discipline : Plusieurs

Titre de compétences : Diplôme (4 ans)

Intitulé du programme : Honours Bachelor of Arts, University of Toronto Scarborough

Transfert de crédits / cours


Semestres restants N/A

Accordé 6.00
Total 20.00

Équivalences de cours accordées

This Pilot Program is intended to provide qualified students from the Liberal Arts Program at Seneca College with a seamless option for continuing their education in the Honours Bachelor of Arts Program at the University of Toronto Scarborough.

Seneca College Liberal Arts students are eligible for the transfer program after completing one full year of the two-year Seneca College Liberal Arts Program.  As noted previously, successful candidates for the pilot program will normally be expected to have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 and will have completed the first two semesters of the program in its entirety.

Students applying for acceptance into the pilot program will be expected to complete an application form and provide transcripts of all previous post-secondary work, including the Liberal Arts Program at Seneca College.

Students in the Pilot Program will be considered for formal admission to degree studies at the University of Toronto Scarborough at the end of their studies in the Seneca College Liberal Arts Program.  Admission will be based on their full academic record.  If admitted, they become full University of Toronto degree students at the University of Toronto Scarborough in all respects. 

Students who have been accepted into the Pilot Program are eligible to enroll as non-degree visiting students in University of Toronto Scarborough courses beginning in the term following the completion of their second semester of the Liberal Arts Program. 

Pilot Program students who complete University of Toronto Scarborough courses prior to their admission to the University of Toronto Scarborough will have the credits for those courses retained – that is, the course and mark will be retained as part of their academic record at the University of Toronto Scarborough rather than treated as a transfer credit.

Transfer credit for Seneca College courses, as outlined below, will be granted to qualified pilot program students upon admission into the University of Toronto Scarborough.  In order to receive transfer credit at UTSC for a Seneca Liberal Arts Course, students must receive at least one full grade above passing in that course.  This is normally a 60%.

Seneca Courses  - UTSC Transfer Credits
FLS100 – Introductory French - FREA96H
FLS200 – Intermediate French - FREA97H
SPN100 – Introductory Spanish - LGGA30H
SPN200 – Intermediate Spanish - LGGA31H

HUM301 – Western Thought III - HISA**H (Generic history half credit)
HUM400 – Western Thought IV - HISA**H (Generic history half credit)

SCL 191 – Intro to Sociology I - SOCA01H
SCL 291 - Intro to Sociology II - SOCA02H

YKC100 – Critical Thinking I - PHLA**H (Generic philosophy half credit)
YKC200 – Critical Thinking II - PHLA**H (Generic philosophy half credit)


YKL100 – Intro to World Literature I - ENGA**H (Generic English half credit)
YKL200 - Intro to World Literature II - ENGA**H (Generic English half credit)


HUM389 - European Art and Culture -  VPHA**H (Generic art history half credit)
CAN604 - Social History of Canada  - HISB41H

Total 6.0 full-course equivalents

Note:  this credit transfer assessment is based on courses given at Seneca College and the University of Toronto Scarborough in the academic year 2011-12, and is subject to review during the life of the program.

Seneca College diploma graduates transferring to the University of Toronto Scarborough who do not have Pilot Program status will be considered according to normal University of Toronto Scarborough policies.


Admission to the Seneca College Liberal Arts Program will continue to be in accordance with the existing Seneca College admission criteria and procedures. 

Acceptance into the Pilot Program, and ultimately admission into the University of Toronto Scarborough proceeds as follows:  The Seneca College Liberal Arts Program Promotion Committee will consider for acceptance into the Pilot Program Seneca College students who have completed one full year of the two year Seneca College Liberal Arts Program.  Successful candidates for the Pilot Program will normally be expected to have achieved a cumulative GPA of 3.0 and will have completed the first two semesters of the program in its entirety.

Students in the Pilot Program will be considered for formal admission to degree studies at the University of Toronto Scarborough at the end of their studies in the Seneca College Liberal Arts Program.  Admission will be based on their full academic record and the following specific eligibility criteria:
i) Graduation with a 3.0 cumulative GPA in the Seneca College Liberal Arts Program
ii) Completion of at least 0.5 University of Toronto credits with a cumulative GPA of 2.0
iii) Satisfaction of general admission requirements for the program of choice at the University of Toronto Scarborough.

Note minimale requise pour le cours (le cas échéant)


Note minimale pour l’admission≥ 73%

Le parcours exige l’obtention d’un diplôme dans un programme antérieur Oui


Les conditions de passerelle n’ont pas été définies pour ce parcours.

Conditions de résidence dans le programme

Pour plus d’informations sur les politiques de transfert universitaire et de transfert de crédits, notamment sur les conditions de résidence, veuillez consulter le profil de l’établissement.

Pour plus d’informations sur les politiques de transfert universitaire et de transfert de crédits, notamment sur les conditions de résidence, veuillez consulter le profil de l’établissement.

Langue d’enseignement


Politique d’annulation

The University of Toronto Scarborough and Seneca College agree to set up a Pilot Program Committee to oversee the administration and curricular integrity of the Pilot Program.  The Pilot Program Committee’s responsibilities include, but are not limited to:  a) identifying the mechanism and criteria for assessing the success of the Pilot Program on an ongoing basis, which will include monitoring of students’ progress each semester; and b) at the end of the Pilot Program, a review and assessment of it, including courses, outcomes, student performance, recruitment, advising, and all other pertinent issues.  Through this pilot program, Seneca College and UTSC have the objective of working towards a more formal articulation agreement for transfer from the Seneca Liberal Arts Program into the Honours Bachelor of Arts program at UTSC.

Either party to the Memorandum of Understanding may give twelve months prior written notice to terminate this Memorandum of Understanding.  In the event that this Memorandum of Understanding is terminated, the parties will make every reasonable effort to ensure that the students who have begun the pilot program will be able to complete it. 

If at the end of the term a new Memorandum of Understanding has not been executed and neither party has given twelve months prior written notice of their intention not to renew this Memorandum of Understanding, then this Memorandum of Understanding shall remain in force until it is replaced by a new Memorandum of Understanding or is terminated following twelve months prior written notice.


Aucune documentation supplémentaire n’est disponible sur les parcours.

Contacter / Faire une demande

Seneca College: 

Denise Wales
416-491-5050 ext 2587


Curtis Cole, Registrar and Director of Enrolment Management

Dernière mise à jour : February 19, 2015