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Recherche de transfert de programme

Broadcasting-Radio Diploma to Bachelor of Arts, Major in Media, Information and Technoculture

Où êtes-vous actuellement?

Fanshawe College

Discipline : Sciences sociales et de comportements

Titre de compétences : Diplôme d'études collègiales (2 ans)

Intitulé du programme : Broadcasting - Radio Diploma

Où souhaitez-vous aller?

Western University

Qualifications correspondant à un grade B.A. - Baccalauréat ès arts

Discipline : Sciences sociales et de comportements

Titre de compétences : Diplôme (4 ans)

Intitulé du programme : Bachelor of Arts, Major in Media, Information and Technoculture

Transfert de crédits / cours


Semestres restants 4

Accordé 10.00
Total 20.00

Équivalences de cours accordées

Block transfer credit shall be awarded to successful applicants for courses equivalent to the first two-years of study (10.0 courses in the Major module of the Media, Information and Technoculture program). This credit is not transferable to other Faculties or Programs.


Broadcasting - Radio Diploma Course Requirements for Block Credit Consideration

Course Number / Course Name / Credit Hours

GEN-#### / General Education Elective / 3.0
WRIT-1037 / Reason & Writing 1-Contemporary Media / 3.0
MKTG-1052 / Media, Sales, Marketing & Promotion 1 / 3.0
RADO-1002 / Radio Announcing 1/Show Prep  / 3.0
RADO-1003 / Radio Broadcasting – Intro/History  / 3.0
RADO-1004 / Commercial/Feature Writing/Talk 1 / 3.0
RADO-1005 / Radio Production 1 / 3.0
INDS-1035 / New Media Culture  / 3.0
COMM-3075 / Communications for Media / 3.0
RADO-1037 / Radio Technology & Equipment / 3.0
RADO-1008  /  Radio Announcing/Voice Development 2  /  3.0
RADO-1009 / Commercial/Feature Writing/Talk 2  /  3.0
MKTG-3031 /Media, Sales, Marketing, Promotion  2 /   3.0
RADO-1010 / Radio Production 2 / 3.0
RADO-1038 / Broadcast Operations-Career Development  / 3.0
INDS-1004 / History of Rock and Roll / 3.0
RADO-3003 / Radio Announcing 3  / 3.0
RADO-1035 / Radio Programming/On Air 1 / 3.0
RADO-3031 / Radio Production 3 / 2.0
DIGL-1028 / Digital Media Design  / 2.0
RADO-3008 / Radio Announcing 4  / 3.0
RADO-4002 / Radio Programming/On Air 2 / 3.0
RADO-1034 / Radio Management  / 3.0

Take 4 of the following courses:
RADO-3017 / Station Ops 1-Talk / 15.0
RADO-3018 / Station Ops 1-Announcing / 15.0
RADO-3019 / Station Ops 1-Production / 15.0
RADO-3020 / Station Ops 1-Promotion / 15.0
RADO-3021 / Station Ops 1-Programming / 15.0
RADO-3022 / Station Ops 1-Writing / 15.0
RADO-3023 / Station Ops 1-Sales   / 15.0
RADO-3024 / Station Ops 2-Talk  / 15.0
RADO-3025 / Station Ops 2-Announcing / 15.0
RADO-3026 / Station Ops 2-Production   / 15.0
RADO-3027 / Station Ops 2-Promotion  /15.0
RADO-3028 / Station Ops 2-Programming  / 15.0
RADO-3029 / Station Ops 2-Writing  / 15.0
RADO-3030 / Station Ops 2-Sales  / 15.0


Western agrees to consider for admission to the 4-year Bachelor of Arts Major in Media, Information and Technoculture degree program and grant block transfer credit to graduates of the Broadcasting - Radio diploma program who meet the following requirements:

Completion of the two-year Broadcasting - Radio diploma program with an overall average of “B+” or 3.5 GPA calculated on all courses within the diploma program only, and no grade less than “C” or 2.0 GPA; and

Completion within five years immediately prior to applying to the Media, Information and Technoculture program of a prescribed set of courses within the Broadcasting - Radio diploma program (see list in the Transfer Credit section below).

In order to be considered for admission, Fanshawe students must notify Western’s Undergraduate Admissions Office by March 1 of the year in which they are seeking admission of their intention to apply, and provide the Admissions Office with their academic transcripts by June 1.

Admissions decisions are within the sole discretion of Western and are not appealable. Applicants who meet the requirements set out above are not guaranteed admission under this Agreement. The decision as to the number of students who will be accepted in any academic year may vary from year to year.

Note minimale requise pour le cours (le cas échéant)


Note minimale pour l’admission≥ 80%

Le parcours exige l’obtention d’un diplôme dans un programme antérieur Oui


Les conditions de passerelle n’ont pas été définies pour ce parcours.

Conditions de résidence dans le programme

To graduate from the MIT Program at Western, students admitted under this articulation agreement must successfully complete the 10.0 courses listed below and maintain a cumulative and graduating average of at least 60% to graduate from the Bachelor of Arts, Major in Media, Information and Technoculture program. These progression, course, and degree requirements are subject to change by Western which will give Fanshawe written notice of any changes.


Residency, Breadth and Essay Requirements – All Modules


Within the electives taken at Western, students must have:
• 0.5 credits from Category B;
• 1.0 credits from Category C.

4-Year Degree = 10.0 Block Transfer Credits + 10.0 credits to be taken at Western

Major in Media, Information and Technoculture

Credit Weight / Western Course Number / Western Course Name

0.5  /  MIT 2000F/G  /  The History of Communication
0.5  /  MIT 2100F/G  /  Political Economy of Media
0.5  /  MIT 2200F/G  /  Mapping Media and Cultural Theory
0.5  /  MIT 2500A/B  /  The Meaning of Technology
0.5  /  MIT 2025A/B  /  Research Methods for the Digital Age
1.5  /  MIT 2000-level or above  /  Media, Information and Technoculture Electives
3.0  /  MIT 3000-level or above  /  Media, Information and Technoculture Electives
1.5  /  Electives 2000 level or above  /  Non-MIT Electives
1.5  /  Electives 1000 level or above  /  Non-MIT Electives

Note: No more than 7.0 MIT credits may be taken as part of the 10.0 credits to be taken at Western.

For a list of electives that cannot be taken under this agreement, please visit the Faculty of Information website located at:

Pour plus d’informations sur les politiques de transfert universitaire et de transfert de crédits, notamment sur les conditions de résidence, veuillez consulter le profil de l’établissement.

Langue d’enseignement


Politique d’annulation

(a) This Agreement is effective June 1, 2020 and will be in place for a period of three years. Thereafter, the Agreement will be reviewed and subject to re-approval by Western and Fanshawe unless terminated by either party set out herein.

(b) Either party may terminate this Agreement upon three months’ written notice of termination to the other party. No applicants will be considered for admission after the date of such notice.

(c) Notwithstanding paragraph (b), if Western decides to terminate this Agreement due to changes to the Fanshawe Broadcasting-Radio diploma program curriculum or course content, this Agreement shall terminate on a date that is the earlier of three months after written notice of termination is given to Fanshawe and the date that the changes were made by Fanshawe.

(d) Students accepted by Western under this Agreement prior to issuance of a notice of termination by either party shall be permitted to complete their studies under the terms of this Agreement.


Aucune documentation supplémentaire n’est disponible sur les parcours.

Contacter / Faire une demande

Contact Information for Western University:


Western University
Office of the Registrar - Undergraduate Admissions,
WSS Building Room 3140
London, Ontario
N6A 3K7

E-mail address:

Dernière mise à jour : February 2, 2024