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Recherche de transfert de programme

Business-Accounting Diploma to Bachelor of Management and Organizational Studies, Specialization in Accounting

Où êtes-vous actuellement?

Fanshawe College

Discipline : Commerce et études connexes

Titre de compétences : Diplôme d'études collègiales (2 ans)

Intitulé du programme : Business - Accounting

Où souhaitez-vous aller?

Western University

Qualifications correspondant à un grade B.G.É.O. - Baccalauréat en gestion et études organisationnelles

Discipline : Commerce et études connexes

Titre de compétences : Diplôme (4 ans)

Intitulé du programme : Bachelor of Management & Organizational Studies, Specialization in Accounting

Transfert de crédits / cours


Semestres restants 4

Accordé 10.00
Total 20.00

Équivalences de cours accordées

Successful applicants shall receive block transfer credit at Huron for the following courses equivalent to the first two years of full-time study (10.0 credits) in the Specialization in Accounting at Huron module of the Bachelor of Management and Organizational Studies. This credit is not transferrable to other Faculties or Programs.

ACCT 1100, Principles of Accounting I 3.0
MKTG 1012, Principles of Marketing I 3.0
MATH 1052, Business Math 3.0
BUSI 1005, Introduction to Business Processes 3.0
BUSI 1060, Strategies for Success 1.0 or BUSI 1088, Strategies for Success International 2.0
WRIT 1032, Reason and Writing – Business I 3.0 or WRIT 1034, Reason and Writing -- EAP 3.0
ACCT 1011, Principles of Accounting II 5.0
ACCT 1097, Applied Computer Applications for Accounting I 3.0
ACCT 1098, Applied Computer Applications for Accounting II 3.0
COMM 3020, Professional Communication 3.0
MATH 1175, Financial Math 3.0
ECON 1002, Economics I 3.0
ECON 1005, Economics II 3.0
MGMT 3041, Organizational Behaviour 3.0
MATH 1045, Statistics 3.0
FINA 3043, Taxation I -- Personal Tax 5.0
ACCT 3036, Accounting I -- Intermediate 5.0
ACCT 3022, Cost Accounting I 3.0
ACCT 3050, Accounting II -- Intermediate 5.0
FINA 3042, Corporate Finance I 3.0 replaced with MGMT 3011, Project Management 3.0
FINA 3044, Taxation II -- Personal Tax 3.0
LAWS 3041, Business Law 3.0
SYST 3002, Business Information Systems 3.0
General Education Elective 3.0


Huron University College agrees to consider for admission to full-time study in Year 3 of the Bachelor of Management and Organizational Studies (Specialization in Accounting) Program, and grant block transfer credit to graduates of the Business-Accounting Diploma program at Fanshawe who meet the following requirements:


a) completion of the two-year Business-Accounting Diploma program with a competitive overall admission average as determined by the receiving institution for the year in which they apply, and with no grade less than “C” or 2.0 GPA;


b) completion of the prescribed set of courses within the Business-Accounting Diploma program within the two years immediately prior to applying to the receiving institution;


c) completion of Fanshawe Mathematics 3079 (Calculus & Vectors); MCV4U (Calculus & Vectors) or an equivalent as approved by the receiving institution; and


d) the written endorsement of the Associate Dean of the Lawrence Kinlin School of Business at Fanshawe.


2. In order to be considered for admission to a receiving institution under this agreement, Fanshawe students must notify the Undergraduate Admissions Office at the applicable receiving institution by March 1st of the year in which they are seeking admission of their intention to apply, and provide the applicable Admissions Office with their academic transcripts by June 1st of that year.


Admissions decisions are within the sole discretion of the receiving institution and cannot be appealed. Applicants who meet the requirements set out in paragraphs 1 and 2 above are not guaranteed admission under this Agreement. Final determination of the validity of all admissions rests with the Registrar at Western in accordance with the provisions of the affiliation agreement between Western, Huron and King’s.

Note minimale requise pour le cours (le cas échéant)


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[f] 1
[decimal_points] 0
[val] "N/A"
[this] TABLE
[more_recv_min_grade_in_req_course] "64%"
[more_recv_equivalencies_list] "<p>
	Successful applicants shall receive block transfer credit at Huron for the following courses equivalent to the first two years of full-time study (10.0 credits) in the Specialization in Accounting at Huron module of the Bachelor of Management and Organizational Studies. This credit is not transferrable to other Faculties or Programs.</p>
	<br />
	ACCT 1100, Principles of Accounting I 3.0<br />
	MKTG 1012, Principles of Marketing I 3.0<br />
	MATH 1052, Business Math 3.0<br />
	BUSI 1005, Introduction to Business Processes 3.0<br />
	BUSI 1060, Strategies for Success 1.0 or BUSI 1088, Strategies for Success International 2.0<br />
	WRIT 1032, Reason and Writing &ndash; Business I 3.0 or WRIT 1034, Reason and Writing -- EAP 3.0<br />
	ACCT 1011, Principles of Accounting II 5.0<br />
	ACCT 1097, Applied Computer Applications for Accounting I 3.0<br />
	ACCT 1098, Applied Computer Applications for Accounting II 3.0<br />
	COMM 3020, Professional Communication 3.0<br />
	MATH 1175, Financial Math 3.0<br />
	ECON 1002, Economics I 3.0<br />
	ECON 1005, Economics II 3.0<br />
	MGMT 3041, Organizational Behaviour 3.0<br />
	MATH 1045, Statistics 3.0<br />
	FINA 3043, Taxation I -- Personal Tax 5.0<br />
	ACCT 3036, Accounting I -- Intermediate 5.0<br />
	ACCT 3022, Cost Accounting I 3.0<br />
	ACCT 3050, Accounting II -- Intermediate 5.0<br />
	FINA 3042, Corporate Finance I 3.0 replaced with MGMT 3011, Project Management 3.0<br />
	FINA 3044, Taxation II -- Personal Tax 3.0<br />
	LAWS 3041, Business Law 3.0<br />
	SYST 3002, Business Information Systems 3.0<br />
	General Education Elective 3.0<br />
[more_marketing_material_content_b64] ""
[field_more_cancellation_policy] "<p>
	This Agreement is effective as of September 1, 2019 and shall continue in force unless terminated as set out below.</p>
	a. Any party may terminate this Agreement upon ninety days&rsquo; written notice of