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Recherche de transfert de programme

General Arts and Sciences – General Certificate

Où êtes-vous actuellement?

Lakehead University - Lakehead - Georgian

Qualifications correspondant à un grade : B.A. - Baccalauréat ès arts

Discipline : Sciences sociales et de comportements

Titre de compétences : Diplôme (3 ans)

Intitulé du programme : Durham College GAS Certificate Pathway to McMaster University Faculty of Social Sciences

Où souhaitez-vous aller?

McMaster University

Qualifications correspondant à un grade B.A. - Baccalauréat ès arts

Discipline : Sciences sociales et de comportements

Titre de compétences : Diplôme (3 ans)

Intitulé du programme : Durham College GAS Certificate Pathway to McMaster University Faculty of Social Science

Transfert de crédits / cours


Semestres restants 5

Accordé 5.00
Total 15.00

Équivalences de cours accordées



Graduates who have successfully completed the Durham College General Arts and Sciences – General Certificate  with a minimum “B+” (75% GPA) will receive 15 units and be awarded entry into Level 1 Social Sciences at McMaster University.

Note minimale requise pour le cours (le cas échéant)


Note minimale pour l’admission≥ 75%

Le parcours exige l’obtention d’un diplôme dans un programme antérieur Oui


Durham College and McMaster University (Faculty of Social Sciences) agree that graduates of the following Durham College program may transfer credits toward a
Bachelor of Arts degree within the Faculty of Social Sciences at McMaster University •General Arts and Sciences – General Certificate
Graduates who have successfully completed the Durham College program above with a minimum “B+” (75% GPA) will receive 15 units and be awarded entry into Level 1 Social
Sciences at McMaster University.
The existence of this agreement does not constitute placement into the program at McMaster University. Admission is dependent upon space availability and documented
evidence of having successfully achieved pre-requisite requirements for program.

Conditions de résidence dans le programme

15 units of transfer credit will be granted and the program will then take 2.5 years to complete

Pour plus d’informations sur les politiques de transfert universitaire et de transfert de crédits, notamment sur les conditions de résidence, veuillez consulter le profil de l’établissement.

Langue d’enseignement


Politique d’annulation

This agreement will be in effect for a period of 5 years. The agreement is subject to review on a periodic basis or in the event of major curriculum changes by either institution. Either party may terminate this agreement, with or without cause, by providing the other party with ninety (90) days prior written notice of termination.
Durham College of Applied Arts and Technology and McMaster University agree that in the event of termination, every effort will be made to ensure students will be allowed to
complete the articulated program in which they are enrolled at the time termination is provided.
Durham College agrees to make information about this option available to students and graduates of the respective programs, to provide opportunities for representatives from
McMaster University to speak with students about this opportunity at the events and other arranged forums, and to notify McMaster University of any changes to curriculum. 


Aucune documentation supplémentaire n’est disponible sur les parcours.

Contacter / Faire une demande

Dernière mise à jour : November 24, 2021